
The staff of St Mary’s Warners Bay are committed to the total development of each pupil. We aim to foster children’s wellbeing in all areas: academic, spiritual, physical, social and emotional. We encourage and lead students to be responsible, contributing members of society.

St Mary’s follows the Be You framework to assist in the positive mental wellbeing of all students, staff and parents. We are also a You Can Do It! (YCDI!) school, using the most current research and professional development to aid children, staff and parents to become socially and mentally well individuals.

As a Catholic School we see ourselves as responsible for following the example of Jesus Christ. We teach children to be aware and alert to other’s needs and respond accordingly.

We follow a Social and Emotional Wellbeing scope and sequence. Each fortnight children are exposed to a new skill important in their Social and Emotional Learning. A whole school approach is taken to ensure it becomes a cultural change in the way our community sees learning and behaviour.

We also hold Wellbeing Week once a term to ensure children and community members understand the importance of focusing on wellbeing.

As part of the YCDI program each class gives out a weekly YCDI award. These awards focus on the lessons and skills children are learning that week in their classroom. The award was custom-made by one of our parents who is a talented graphic designer.

Below is a link to an excellent resource for parents. It is written by the Council of Catholic School Parents